Earth Day Fair

By Lisa Eldridge

Hey everyone!  The 53rd anniversary of Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22, and what better way to celebrate than by going to our free Earth Day fair!  It is free and enjoyable for everyone, young and old!

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 in the United States and throughout the world.  In some countries, it is celebrated on the first day of spring.  Earth Day, which was first held on April 22, 1970, helps to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting Earth’s natural resources for future generations.

Our family friendly Earth Day fair, which will be co-sponsored by South Glastonbury Congregational Church and TALK (Truth in Action with Love and Kindness), will be held behind South Congregational Church at 949 Main Street in South Glastonbury from 9-12.  In the event of rain, it will be held inside the church.

Our fair has expanded, and this year there will be over 35 exhibitor tables.  There will be a carnival for children with lots of games and prizes, music and other entertainment.

Glastonbury Electronics Recycling will be there and will accept many items such as computers (with the exception of computer screens), mobile phones, printers, stereo related equipment, batteries (with the exception of nickel cadmium batteries), various scrap metals and more. 

There will also be electric cars, bicycles and e-bikes to look at and talk to owners about.    

In the meantime, it’s easy to get involved in helping to protect our Earth.  One way is to employ the 4 R’s of Recycling to cut down on what you throw away:

  • Reduce
    • Buy only what you need
    • Borrow or buy used items
  • Reuse
    • Use an item more than once such as reusable grocery bags, water bottles, jars and containers
    • Repair items
    • Donate unwanted items
  • Repurpose/Upcycle
    • Use one product to serve a different purpose such as repurposing a vintage planter into a utensil holder
    • Upcycling is enhancing or upgrading an item to better serve the same purpose such as painting over an old table to transform it
  • Recycle
    • This should be the last option to choose because materials need to be created, and this uses energy

Other ways to create a healthier planet is to conserve water as much as possible, plant native trees and plants, use non-toxic chemicals in your home, volunteer for cleanup days and combine errands into fewer trips (to save gas and time).

We look forward to seeing you at our Earth Day fair on Saturday, April 22 from 9-12!

TALK Environment group seeks to promote conversations about the environment and climate change in our community. If you have a related topic which you are passionate about, please send your ideas and suggestions for future articles to: We encourage more community writings for this column. All articles are archived on the TALK website