Let's T A L K
join us to help make our corner of the world a better place to live
Environmental Action
Email Dan Boughton at environmentalaction@talk-action.org to find out more about this team’s activities and click here to see more.
Artificial Turf Playing Fields
Why are we so opposed?
Read More Here
Glastonbury Pollinator Pathway
Email Tracy to find out more about this team’s activities.
Without pollinators we can’t feed ourselves. Groups all over Connecticut are working together to establish pollinator-friendly habitat and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife along a series of continuous corridors. Most native bees have a range of about 750 meters, so the goal is to connect properties that are no farther apart than that. This project began in 2017 in Wilton, CT. Since then, pathways have been established in over 85 towns in CT and NY and the list keeps grow.

Social Action
Citizen Education
Email Ketti at citizeneducation@talk-action.org to find out more about this team and its plans for the current year, and click here to read more about the team.
Upcoming Events at Welles-Turner Memorial Library
May 1 – “Counted Out” Movie & Discussion, 6 p.m. Friends Room
June 9 – Courageous Conversations – Glastonbury Room. Limited Seating

Click here to read the articles.
Monthly articles on the environment and climate change with a focus on individual, local and municipal actions to help improve our resiliency and climate.
Want to write or have ideas for articles? Contact prez@talk-action.org
TALK is concerned about the decline in the tone of civil discourse in local, state and national politics. It is one of the reasons for our formation as well as the choice of name for the organization. We have always sought to foster meaningful, civil dialog between persons of differing opinions.
If you have a chance to participate in an activity that promotes this end, please do so.
Many organizations are trying different ways of helping people come together. Look up:
- Rick Eldridge, President – prez@talk-action.org
- Pamela Lucas, Vice-President – veep@talk-action.org
- Ketti Marks – info@talk-action.org
- Jill Grieveson, Treasurer – jillg@talk-action.org
- Dan Boughton
- Bruce Bowman, past president
- Lisa Eldridge
- Chris Gullotta
- Susan Karp
- Melinda Kuzmak
- William Marut
- D J McBride
- Kim McClain
- Leslie Ohta
- David Peniston
- Trace Peterson