citizen education
Only an informed public can preserve America’s democracy. In this savvy digital age we must be able to distinguish between fake news and real news. For this to happen, transparency in government is critical, as is understanding the negative impact that voter suppression, vote manipulation, and gerrymandering have on free and fair elections.
We will offer educational forums and encourage citizen action on issues such as media literacy, voting rights, individual rights, social and economic justice.

social action
The Social Justice Committee engages in advocacy, volunteer and educational activities that promote human rights and eliminate marginalization, disparate treatment, and bias in Glastonbury and beyond.
environmental action
Since its inception, the Environment Committee has been at the forefront of environmental issues facing Glastonbury.
We championed a Fracking Waste Ban; assisted the Town Planning & Zoning Board in developing language in regard to sustainability and climate change to be used in the most recent POCAD filed with the state of Connecticut; and submitted a proposed ordinance to Town Council to ban single use plastic bags in Glastonbury.
We have worked on community outreach by sponsoring the Play-In for the Planet on the Town Green in 2017 and 2018 and a Sustainability Fair in 2019.
At the State level we have provided testimony on a statewide Fracking Ban, and contributed written support for a statewide Fracking Ban and a statewide single use plastic bag ban.
We plan to continue proposing, promoting and supporting environmental issues affecting Glastonbury and the State of Connecticut.